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Connected Vehicles USA 2022: What You Need to Know

Strategic Alliance Consulting

Connected Vehicles USA 2022 conference

We recently had the opportunity to attend Connected Vehicles USA 2022 (CV22), an annual conference that covers a wide range of topics related to intelligent transport systems, autonomous vehicles, V2X, and more. The Connected Vehicles USA conference provided a valuable lens to analyze the current state of the industry in terms of technological maturity, regulatory policies for safety and standardization, and auto manufacturer readiness to design, build, and validate safe and secure vehicles. Overall, CV22 facilitated conversations about recent findings and what’s working and what isn’t working within the themes of:

  • Security

  • Safety

  • Research

Connected Vehicle Security

Highlights from security conversations included:

  • Concerns due to the distributed c-sec processes such as supplier qualification, procurement qualifications and supplier performance management

  • The importance of managing vulnerabilities across the product lifecycle

  • The need to align the product and project lifecycles by integrating c-sec activities into product lifecycle management among different teams

  • How cybersecurity standards have evolved over the years, and the emergence of new, more effective standards, including:

  • ASPICE, the most recent standard for automotive software best practices, for c-sec development assessments

  • ISO / SAE 21434 to implement cybersecurity management systems, including cybersecurity risk management

Connected Vehicle Safety

Some of the more noteworthy safety findings from Connected Vehicles USA included:

  • 25% of vehicle-related fatalities involve VRUs (vulnerable roadside users)

  • Democratization of Safety needs to include VRUs and non-V2X vehicles to maximize success

  • How the Collective Perception Message (CPM) & Cooperative Awareness Message (CAM) can increase the safety of VRUs by creating complete situational awareness

Connected Vehicle Research

CARMA Project

The Department of Transportation (DoT) launched the CARMA project to spearhead research on cooperative driving automation (CDA), and advance transportation systems management and operations (TSMO) strategies via emerging capabilities in automation and cooperation.

Some current use-cases include:

  • Recurring traffic congestion on freeways and arterials

  • Non-recurring traffic congestion such as work zones, weather, and traffic incident management (TIM)

  • Commercial motor vehicle (CMV) and port use-cases like freight and port drayage

VOICES Project

The DoT also launched the VOICES (Virtual Open Innovation Collaborative Environment for Safety) project. The proof-of-concept will be a “distributed virtual platform that will enable stakeholder virtual collaboration among participating entities (public sector including State and local governments, private sector, and academic institutions) in an intellectual property-protected virtual collaborative environment for research and interoperability testing of prototype CDA applications.”

Initially, it will focus on CDA, research, and interoperability-distributed testing of Cooperative Automated Driving Systems applications.

Are you interested in advancing your V2X or automotive cybersecurity maturity and testing? Our experts are happy to answer any questions you may have regarding strategies and solutions to transform your organization’s capabilities. Contact us today!

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